Frequently Asked Question’s

Where can I find out what I gave last year?

If you donated online, log in, click on your name in the upper right hand corner and go to "My Activities".

If you donated using the paper pledge form, we'd be happy to send you your donation history. Please email

May I add a charitable organization to the UMACC list?

Yes! All 501(c)(3) nonprofits may receive donations via UMACC. If you are a UMass employee or retiree you can simply use “advanced search” when selecting your nonprofits while you are donating and choose the new nonprofit. Another option is to email and ask for your nonprofit to be added to the list.

What are this year's giving levels and priorities?

Are you able to go up a level?

Please consider adding at least one Western MA nonprofit to your list. It takes a village!

· $20,000 and above: Luminary

· $10,000-$19,999 Transformational Leaders 

· $5,000-$9,999: Visionary Leaders

· $2,500-$4,999: Inspiration Leaders

· $500-2,499: Leader's Circle

· $250-$499: Champion

In the question below please change our department name to Community Relations and University Events

How much of my donation goes to the charitable organization(s) that I choose? The charities of your choice receive 94% and our Campaign Fiscal Administrator (CHC: Creating Healthier Communities) receives 6%. If applicable, credit card fees will also be deducted from your donation, though you can choose to cover them yourself.

We are proud to say that 100% of UMACC donations go to nonprofit organizations! (with the exception of applicable credit card fees). CHC is a 501(c)(3) whose mission is we envision a world where every person in every community has an opportunity to live their healthiest life. UMACC program expenses are paid by the office of External Relations and University Events.

When do payroll deductions begin and how many pay periods will I have to deduct from?

It depends on when you donate!

Donate by November 19 and deductions will start on 1/3/25. You will have a maximum of 26 pay periods to deduct from.

Donate between December 6 and January 7 and deductions will start on 1/31/25. You will have a maximum of 24 pay periods to deduct from.

Donate between January 8 and February 5 and deductions will start on 2/28/25. You will have 22 pay periods to deduct from.

Can I set up an EFT withdrawal, stock transfer, payment through my IRA or be billed?

No, but this year you can set up a recurring credit card charge. 

Please check with your financial advisor regarding payment through your IRA. Rules vary individually.

Where do I get an acknowledgement, I can use for a tax deduction?

Your acknowledgement will be emailed to you from the email address Please check your “Junk” folder and do a search for

If you are paying by payroll deduction please use your last pay stub of the year as your tax acknowledgement.

Are payroll deduction contributions pre-tax?

No, payroll-deduction contributions are after tax.

What is the difference between UMACC and UMass Gives?

UMass Gives raises money for UMass organizations and is run by the UMass Foundation.

UMACC raises money for 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations in our community and beyond, and is run by Community Relations and University Events.

How and when are donations distributed to the nonprofits?

Pledges and donations will be collected throughout the campaign period which begins in the fall and ends in early February. 

Checks will be mailed directly to nonprofits on a monthly basis.

If you pay by check or credit card payments will be sent to your nonprofits as soon as the campaign is reconciled. This will likely be in March.

If you pay by payroll deduction CHC will transfer funds by EFT or check to your nonprofits on a monthly basis as payroll payments come in.

Have questions? Call Jen Gallant at (413) 545-8414 or email at We’d love to hear from you!