Welcome to the 2022 Sharing Brings Hope Consolidated Charitable Campaign Employee Giving Page.

Since 1992, LAUSD has invited 11 of Los Angeles' most diverse and respected charitable agencies to participate in its consolidated charitable employee-giving campaign, Sharing Brings Hope. AII 11 agencies are licensed, fiscally responsible organizations who, together, raise funds for over 400 individual charities. The Sharing Brings Hope Campaign consolidates all the District's Fundraising efforts to a single annual occurrence. Its mission is to provide funding for programs that assist in meeting the health, social, environmental, and educational needs of the communities that LAUSD serves.

From February 7th to April 22nd, 2022 LAUSD employees have the convenient and affordable opportunity to donate to nonprofits through payroll contributions. The District understands that its employees VALUE supporting charities that affect them and continues to provide this benefit. The Sharing Brings Hope Campaign is a celebration of the strength of giving together and supporting our communities, dedication to what matters most to you, and making a big difference every payday.

We are all experiencing an unprecedented time, especially many LAUSD students and their families, so if you are in a place to contribute, this is a great way to give on their behalf. Now, more than ever, the nonprofits need our support! Many are facing large budget decreases, staff layoffs and even closures. The reliable, ongoing revenue stream that this campaign provides has become vital to nonprofits.

Learn More About Our Charities . Click Each Logo!

Thank You For Bringing Hope To Our Communities!